βοΈThe EverFarm Auto-Liquidity Injection Engine
Auto Liquidity
Liquidity represents one of the most important concepts that everyone needs to understand when trading or investing in cryptocurrencies. Liquidity is the degree to which a particular asset can be quickly bought or sold without affecting the general stability of its price.
In simplest terms, liquidity refers to the ability of an asset to be converted into cash easily.
A common similarity among liquid assets is that they all have a ready and open market to be traded on. This means that all these assets are heavily traded globally with stable prices.
How Does the Ever Farm Auto-Liquidity Injection Engine (EALIE) work ?
4% of the traded volume from the EVERFARM/BNB pair is going an Auto-LP wallet. Our contract automatically injects this liquidity to the EVERFARM/BNB LP pair, growing our overall liquidity every day, and helping stabilizing our price and reducing Buy/Sell's price impact.
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